We at Hillcrest Collegiate are confident that we can challenge and develop all those who come to us at whatever age, stretching the most able whilst supporting those who need a helping hand.
Our aim is to send our students out into the world with strong friendships already forged and the ability to make new ones, with the knowledge and skills to succeed at university and beyond, and with a broad range of interests to enrich their lives.
We do hope you will come by and see for yourself what Hillcrest Collegiate does each and every day and what it can do for you and your child.
The Notice Board

Academic Programme
Elective Subjects
Physical Science
Physical science is the study of the inorganic world. That is, it does not study living things. (Those are studied in biological, or life, science.) The four main branches of physical science are astronomy, physics, chemistry, and the Earth sciences, which include meteorology and geology
Computer Application Technology is the study of the integrated components of a computer system such as hardware, software and software applications.
Consumer Studies
Consumer Studies focuses on developing knowledge, skills, values and attitudes in learners, to enable them to become responsible and informed consumers of food, clothing, housing, furnishings and household equipment, and to use resources optimally and in a sustainable manner.
Engineering, Graphics & Design
Teaches you how to plan or draw and produce items. For example a building, a garment, or other objects before they are made.
Accounting or accountancy is the measurement, processing, and communication of financial and non financial information about economic entities such as businesses and corporations.
Life Science
Is the natural science that studies life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, physiological mechanisms, development and evolution.
Tourism treats its study and research area as a whole, where physical, economic, social and cultural aspects of tourism, tourist markets, and destinations are the main corner-stones of learning.

Business Studies
Is an academic subject taught in schools and at university level in many countries. Its study combines elements of accountancy, finance, marketing, organizational studies and economics.
The history of the world is the memory of the past experience of Homo sapiens from around the world, as that experience has been preserved, largely in written records. By “prehistory”, historians mean the recovery of knowledge of the past in an area where no written records exist, or where the writing of a culture is not understood.
Design education develops discerning consumers, quality entrepreneurs and creators of products, services, systems, processes, and environments. Design is applied art that creates a detail plan of a structure of something, focussing on the appearance, convenience and efficient functioning of a final design.
Value Added Services
We provide a quality academic programme that is designed to stimulate and engage students. The academic programme is the National Senior Certificate and is moderated by the SACAI moderation board.
SACAI’s role includes:
- Moderation and approval of question papers
- Verification of the moderation of internal assessments
- Monitoring of the conduct of exams
- Monitoring of the marking process
- Verification of marking Standardization of the results
We work provide subject choices and career guidance assessments to guide our learners in their vocational abilities and pathways.
It is so important for students to understand their strengths and abilities and know what professions will be best suited to their profile and these assessments guide this process from Grade 9 subject choice to tertiary education applications.
Hillcrest Collegiate offers extra lessons for Mathematics, English and Afrikaans and other subjects as required.
These lessons are provided by experienced teachers who are familiar with the requirements of the National Curriculum.
In our fun, friendly and colourful environment your kids are sure to enjoy the time they spend here in our aftercare. Our high standards of safety and personal attention to each child will keep you at peace of mind as well. We offer aftercare up until 4pm.
At Hillcrest Collegiate, we believe that every child has unique potential waiting to be nurtured, celebrated, and rewarded. Our approach to education extends far beyond academics. We focus on building character, fostering confidence, and...
Racing Towards the 3 Ss at Hillcrest Collegiate: Success, Self-Esteem and Sports!
We love to talk about this (because it’s so important to us): building the self-esteem of learners from Foundation Phase through to matric is vital to their future success. So where do sports fit in? Research consistently highlights the link...
Why do Hillcrest Collegiate teachers prioritize pacing a child’s learning during the Foundation Phase?
We’ve all been that parent—you know, the one with the child who is an undiscovered genius. Aaaand reality check. Yes, our kids are amazing and smart, but 99% of our population never hits the genius mark. And that’s okay. They don’t have to be a...
A Much More Convenient Way for Parents to Make Payments
TapTuck enables pocket money limits, purchase reports & messages to parents to help their child on this money learning journey. And never worry about sending cash to school again.
We understand parents want the best for their child.
We enable multi-merchant transactions within one platform, creating a true cashless school environment.
We offer our tuck shops healthy menu advice & we enable parents to make these healthier choices on our platform.
We enable all other merchants on campus to list & deliver products & services safely & conveniently.
We enable safe & secure, contactless payments at campuses across the country.
The school environment is one of the early touch points for a child, where they are trusted with money & empowered to learn how to transact.
You can:
- Make School Payments
- Order Healthy Meals
- Order Uniforms
- Order Stationery
- Order Sports Equipment & More
- Scan a school merchant QR code to make easy & secure payments.
- Order a cashless card and set card spend limits.
allowing your children to make safe payments at a school merchant.
Download the app today & never worry about sending cash to school again